THSCA Coaching School and Convention wrapped up a couple of weeks ago and while a few things were different, one, age-old question remained unchanged. “Coach, how you gonna be this year?” How a coach answers speaks volumes to what his goals are for his team and for him personally.
We all know the coaches and programs that enjoy an embarrassment of riches in talent, facilities, and parent or booster support. Those programs do a great job of making the grass look greener between January and July. They do a great job of making you wonder why you’re not there. But come August, every coach must make a decision. Do I accept defeat, or do I go to work? Do I celebrate average, or do I grind for excellence? And every December, stories are told about the Cinderellas who don’t belong, who don’t have any multi-star athletes, and yet, continue to find a way to win. This scenario gives birth to the motto, “Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.”
Another related scenario can be found in Mark 12. At the end of the chapter, Jesus talks about a poor widow who gave an offering of two small coins. He compared her sacrifice to that of very rich people who dropped in large sums of money. Verses 43 and 44, capture Christ’s reaction. He says, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.”
Jesus utilized a standard of measurement that analyzed the proportional sacrifice, not the convenience of consecration. In essence, He was teaching, that if holy worship was the goal, success would come through sacrifice, not through surplus. What was true for the widow and the religious leaders in Mark 12, is true for athletic programs today. Individual stars may fill a box score, but team sacrifice will fill a trophy cabinet. A team’s success does not come through its surplus, but rather through its sacrifice. Those who don’t like to sacrifice will achieve little. Those who want to achieve an abundance know they may have to sacrifice everything to get it. If you want success, prepare to travel through sacrifice.
Posted inSunday Word of Encouragement